Mike Barker recounts his harrowing experience with a deepfake art scam involving a fake Simon Brodkin and Micky Flannigan. This elaborate deception, orchestrated through AI technology, highlights the growing danger of deepfakes in the digital age. Learn more about this case and how to protect yourself from similar scams.
Deepfake technology and AI are not just buzzwords; they pose real threats to businesses. From impersonating executives to email spoofing, these tools can lead to significant financial and reputational damage. Discover how companies can safeguard themselves against these emerging risks.
Running your own business is a thrilling adventure, and having ADHD can make this journey uniquely challenging and rewarding. ADHD can be both your superpower and your kryptonite, shaping your entrepreneurial path unexpectedly. Embrace the dual nature of ADHD to drive innovation and success.